Healing in Layers

Healing in Layers

Following the Breadcrumbs: A Journey of Small Steps and Big Meaning



Life’s Tiny Clues

Life has a way of whispering to us when we least expect it. Little signs, gentle nudges, or what I’ve come to call breadcrumbs. Sometimes they glimmer like a beacon—a too-good-to-be-true opportunity landing in our path. Other times, they’re so faint you only recognize them in hindsight, like faded footprints on a forest trail.

Lost, But Creating Anyway

When I first began my journey into mixed media art as a way to heal, I wasn’t …

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Nature's Medicine: Six Flowers of Healing

Healing Flowers


Healing Flowers: A Gentle Reminder of Growth and Renewal

January always feels like the longest month, doesn’t it? The holidays are over, the snow and cold this year seem a wee bit endless, and it can be way too easy to get stuck in the winter blues. When I’m feeling a bit low, I find myself looking for little reminders of hope (and that Spring will come)—and flowers always seem to do the trick. Even in the depths of winter, they’re such an undeni…

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Creativity, Connection, and a Little Peace  🕊️



Art has this incredible way of sneaking into our hearts, doesn’t it? It’s not just about making pretty things—it’s about healing, finding peace, and reconnecting with ourselves. Art gives us the tools to process emotions, calm our minds, and even spark joy when life feels heavy.

And if you’re wondering whether there’s any truth to this magic, science backs it up!

  • Just 45 minutes of creative play can lower stress (bye-bye, cortisol!) and boost fee…

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Soulful Stories: A Journey to Healing Through Creativity

Soulful Stories promo video


Every story starts with an uncertain, messy first chapter.

Think back to a time when you stood at the edge of something new—unsure, maybe even hesitant. That’s where every journey begins, and Soulful Stories is no different. In this workshop, we embrace those messy beginnings because they hold the spark of possibility. Paint, paper, and hope are all you need to start turning the page.

This is your first layer.
Paint splashes onto a blank canvas, pa…

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Shedding and Soaring: What Love Taught Me in 2024


New for 2025: Listen to This Blog Post 🎧

Prefer to listen instead of read? Click the link below to hear an audio version of this post, where I reflect on the lessons of 2024 and the word guiding me into 2025. Whether you’re relaxing with a cup of tea or multitasking, I hope you enjoy this new way to connect! 💬✨

👉 Click here to listen!

As the final moments of 2024 drifted into the past, I found myself standing in a circle of incredible women at a New Year’s event hosted by one of my favorite yoga in…

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love is the word


At the beginning of 2024 I chose a word for the year. LOVE

The kind of love I am talking about is

…a love felt in an intimate community, in the compassion we feel for others, and the healing that love can bring about.  Love of self, love of others, and love that nature offers to everyone that is paying attention.

I share the whole process of creating a piece of art to honour 'love' and all the meanings it carries for me, in a video on my YouTube channel!

Watch it here

My 'Love Art' has a magical tree…

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A Walk Through Your Story – Moving with Meaning


Welcome to Week 4 of our creative journey! Over the past few weeks, we’ve explored comforting memories, mapped the landscapes of our inner world, and let nature guide us in releasing emotions. If you’re just joining us, no worries—you can start at the beginning of the blog series with Week 1: A Memory in Nature , or jump right in with this week’s prompt.

This week, we’re turning to movement as a way to unlock the stories we carry within us.

There’s something powerful about walking—it’s rhythmic, g…

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Whispering Leaves – Releasing What We Hold Inside


Hi Soul Foragers,

Welcome to Week 3 of our creative journey. Last week, we mapped the landscapes of our inner world, finding sanctuaries amidst the chaos and beauty of our personal stories. This week, we step into the quiet wisdom of nature, letting the simple elegance of fallen leaves teach us about release and renewal.

Listening to Nature’s Whispers


Leaves have a way of teaching us profound truths—letting go when the time is right, embracing change, and transforming into nourishment for new growt…

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Finding Sanctuary: Mapping the Chaos of Your Inner World

Copy of the Soul Foragers Guide to creative healing

Week 2: Mapping Your Inner Landscape

Hi Soul Foragers,

Welcome to Week 2 of our 8-week creative journey, where we’re exploring the layers of our personal stories through art, reflection, and connection with nature. Last week, we grounded ourselves in a memory from nature. This week, we’re turning inward to map the landscapes of our inner world—the places where emotions, memories, and dreams live, waiting to be explored.

Each week builds on the last, so if you haven’t had a chance to check out Week …

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The Soul Forager’s Guide to Creative Healing


A Memory in Nature — Soul Foraging Begins

Have you ever felt a story inside you—so deeply woven into your heart—that you hardly know where to begin? Maybe it’s a memory, a dream, or even a feeling you can’t quite name. I’ve had so many of those moments, where words felt too limited to capture what was inside.

That’s when I turned to art—and nature.

Through mixed media collage and time spent in the natural world, I have found a way to give my stories space to breathe. Every colour, texture, and laye…

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